Saturday, July 5, 2008

Another day wasted.... 4th July 2008

HI!!!!!!!!!!! u can c im bored now <_<''''>_>'''' but wo cares yea....yesterday[now its the 5th of july] i woke up at 1.30pm @____@''' i was like WTF??*carry a shotgun n bang myself in the head* soyea kinda wasted alot of time o0o0o probably cuz ive been dotain / mini mapping all nite lool.

anyhooooo woke up brush teeth. breakfast? tomato meat stew with garlic bread =O at 1.3pm + yes LOL!!! den after breakfast i created dis blog yea...yea...DEN... at 2.30pm...I HAD LUNCH!!! roflllll... was instant ramen noodles o0o0o0o tasty shit!!

soyea... food is gud. should try it...matter of fact...ENJOY IT!!!!!!! den later i messed around with my blog more. clickin here n dere~!##$%$*%^*)() dam i spam alot loool.. den after dat played a few round of doda with adam billy n shit in BA.... noob ppl =D o wait we lost -.-'''
LOL!!! n den played MOOMOO game o____o'''' after datttttttttt.

i fried sum papadums as moms was cookin indian food. rendang , brinjal curry and fish head curry. CURRY FUCKFEAST!!!!!!!!!!! YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA......random. yea it was gud.. spicy @_@ luckily i had a cold bear...i mean beer on my side =P yum yum... after dat wash dishes.
go comp. n for the next 6 hours i wasted my lif in dis stpd laptop XDDD

cbf with anythin else cuz it was cold - . -''''' 12am..i watched Tenacious D : The Pick Of Destiny.

soyea... ill blog about 2dai later 2nite or tmrw mroninin o0o0o0...

take care

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